Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus Limonum) comes from the cold pressing of the raw peel and has a fragrance of freshly cut fruit, a high aromatic note. Its antiseptic properties and its distinctive, refreshing aroma make it a unique ingredient widely used in the production of perfumes, household items, candles, soaps, cosmetics, etc.
Lemon Essential Oil is used in aromatherapy to balance the nervous system and revitalize the body and spirit. It effectively contributes to treating neurological conditions such as mental fatigue, dizziness, anxiety, nervousness and insomnia. Refreshes the mind, increases concentration and creates an optimistic mood. There are researches that show that it increases employee efficiency, so it is used as a deodorant in office space.
Lemon is one of the most popular citrus fruits in the world. It is an excellent source of vitamins and helps in the overall functioning of the body. Its high vitamin content makes it an excellent drug for the immune system because it increases the white blood cells and improves blood circulation. It is also used in the treatment of various digestive problems such as indigestion, acidity of the stomach and cramps. It helps to lose weight because it creates a sense of satiety and reduces the bulimic mood and excessive eating. The inhalation of Lemon fragrance cleanses the nasal passages and sinuses, restoring good airflow and breathing stability.
Lemon oil rejuvenates the loose, tired and dull skin. It helps reduce excess oil and treat acne. It is used equally effectively on the scalp to treat greasy and dandruffing, making it a natural toner for healthy and shiny hair. It is known to have brightening properties and is therefore used in cosmetic products to reduce the intensity of dandelions, blackheads and freckles.
Lemon Essential Oil is an excellent universal cleanser and disinfectant for metal surfaces, dishes and clothes, and so on.
Lemon essential oil combines very well with: lavender, neroli, juniper, eucalyptus, geranium, fennel, chamomile, frankincense, sandalwood, rose and ylang ylang.