Polymers, Plasters and Protective Pads
Anti-Pressure & antivibration pads hydrogel Menthogel The earbuds '' Menthogel'' is new technology products , designed by a team of French experts podiatrists , physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologist who specialize in treating diseases and problems of the foot and the sole. Made from soft treated hydrogel. Absorb vibration , protect and relieve the pressure and friction that receives daily leg, foot and toes and complementary - Support to treatments. Is infused with peppermint to keep feet fresh and cool throughout the day , while the pleasant smelling discharge away from the odor -causing bacteria and feet refreshed. The circles , waves and holes provide greater shock protection , comfort and reduce sweat. All products are clinically tested and skin friendly . Gehwol Relief for you! Coatings of soft, high modulus material , friendly to the skin for protection from pressure Perfect fit to the shape of the foot and toes. Fits the foot without slipping Outreach to treatments It is ideal for rheumatic patients.
Hansaplast Green & Protect (0% latex) 20.strips - Wound patches made of fibers of natural originSpecial Price €3.40 Regular Price €4.00
Hansaplast Green & Protect 1 large wound patch (0% Latex) 1m x 6cm - Large single wound patch (Hansaplast of the measure you cut as needed)Special Price €3.40 Regular Price €4.00
Vican Carnation Tip Toes Invisible gel Heel Shields 1.pair - Transparent protectors for the back of the shoeSpecial Price €8.32 Regular Price €11.55
Vican Carnation Tip Toes Invisible gel Strap Strips 4pcs - Transparent protective strapsSpecial Price €8.32 Regular Price €11.55
Vican Carnation Tip Toes Invisible gel Spots 6.pcs - Transparent round protectorsSpecial Price €8.32 Regular Price €11.55
Master Aid Heel Adhesive Protective gel 2.pads - Adhesive Heel Protector 2pcsSpecial Price €6.60 Regular Price €8.25