Fungi that infect nails are a very common condition, as at any given time 6% - 8% of the world's population suffers from them. Fungi usually infect toenails (less often those of the hands) and are easily recognizable, as in the first stage the nails change color (white, yellow, black or green) and in the second stage they become "thicker" and "curve". At an advanced stage the nails become brittle and crumble. If nail fungus is not treated in time, it can become painful - the pain is concentrated on the skin under and around the nails.
Nail fungus is usually caused by the parasitic group of fungi called dermatophytes. These are tiny organisms that survive without the need for sunlight and thrive in any environment that has high humidity and heat (eg swimming pools, showers, gyms, etc.). Although their appearance is also associated with hereditary factors, however, small hairs are those that usually constitute their "entrance door" to the body. Heavy sweating, the use of shoes that are not "ventilated" properly, poor circulation in the extremities and so on. are some of the additional causes of nail fungus.
Dealing with this fungal infection is difficult and time consuming. It is difficult because fungi accumulate in an inaccessible place (between the nail and the skin) and time consuming because the "new" healthy nail should grow and replace what has been infected by fungi. Nail Fungus Treatment bases its action on 100% herbal active ingredients that fight nail fungus.
Nail Fungus Treatment supports its therapeutic effect in a combination of vegetable and essential oils. It contains the essential oil of Tea Tree which is known for its strong antifungal and antibacterial action. Tea tree essential oil is used extensively to combat nail fungus and you will find it as an ingredient in most medicines. Nail Fungus Treatment also contains oregano essential oil which contains carbacol and thymol which give it strong antimicrobial properties and lavender essential oil which is considered ideal for treating local infections, inflammation and skin diseases.
The essential oils of Nail Fungus Treatment have been mixed into a rich blend of vegetable oils. Nail Fungus contains almond oil which is the "ideal" carrier for essential oils and is rich in nutrients, chamomile oil which is known to protect against local irritations, inflammations and infections and Hippophaes oil which, according to modern studies, has strong antibacterial properties and is a powerful "weapon" in the fight against nail fungus.
In order to use Nail Fungus Treatment effectively, we recommend that you clean the areas that have been infected with fungi very well (with soap) daily. Remove any traces of paint (mano) you have used. Lubricate your nails (upper part) at least once a week (to make the nail more "porous") and keep the length of your nails "short" (the nail should reach the tip of the finger - not longer).
Nail Fungus Treatment is very simple to use. The practical dropper will allow you to drop a small amount, just above the areas where the fungus is located. We recommend that you use Nail Fungus Treatment at least 2 times a day (morning - evening). Allow it to absorb completely before covering the spots with clothing. When applying in the evening, try to apply a small amount under the nail as well. It will take at least 2 months for the results of the use of Nail Fungus Treatment to become visible and about 6-8 months until the fungal infection is fully combated - then the nail will be completely "replaced".
Along with the use of Nail Fungus Treatment, it is very important to minimize moisture in the areas where the fungus is located. Always dry the area after bathing very well and choose shoes that are properly ventilated. Do not forget that nail fungus "thrives" in a warm and humid environment.