Award winning design Airy minimal shield design for less irritation Particularly light Orthodontic and baby-friendly Available with SkinSoft ™ silicone nipple In practical shipping and sterilization box Glowing in the dark for easy tracking during the night!
Pieces: 2
° All MAM products are manufactured from materials that do not contain Bisphenol A and S (BPA & BPS). * Market research 2010-2014, testing 1,236 infants.
1. COVER Large opening allowing greater air circulation. Particularly baby-friendly for less irritation. It does not hide the baby's smile.
2. HANDLING It shines in the dark, so parents and infants can find it easily. Material 100% safe for infants.
3. MAM DESIGN Symmetrical shape that fits perfectly into the baby's mouth. Designed in collaboration with pediatric dentists for the proper development of the teeth.
4. SKINSOFT ™ SILICONE TEAT Particularly gentle sense of intimacy.
CREATED IN COOPERATION WITH SPECIAL SCIENTISTS Teamwork for ultimate security Only if they give their approval, a MAM innovation can come into the baby's life.