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Becalm Dysmecalm for menstrual symptoms 60tabs - The natural solution to women’s period problems

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Becalm Dysmecalm for menstrual symptoms 60tabs - The natural solution to women’s period problems

Difficult days…

Two weeks before the beginning of each period, begin the physical and emotion symptoms that become more intense the first days of the cycle, to vanish by the end of the period and come back again and again each month.

    Swelling or tenderness in the breasts


    Fluid retention


    Lower back pain

    Abdominal pain /cramps






    Mood swings


    Changes in libido


Every month and for aproxiamtely half the month 85% of women in reproductive age, experience some if not all the “difficult” symptoms

Not any more

Dysmecalm and difficult days become easygoing
Suggested treatment:

Two pills a day for the duration of three months.

At the end of the first month there is evidence of about 50% for the total of the symptoms, while at the end of the trimester the total improvement of PMS symptoms (according to conducted researches) reaches 75% or more. (Effects and treatment methods of acupuncture and herbal medicine for premenstrual syndrome/premenstrual dysphoric disorder: systemic review Su Hee Jang, Dong II Kim and Min – Sun Choi)
Dysmecalm a unique composition based on medicinal herbs and minerals aimed to relieve
the symptoms of PMS
and to improve the quality
of life of women.

Agnus Castus, St Johns Wort, Viburnum, Vitamin B6 Magnesium
Agnus Castus

Agnus Castus (vitex agnus castus) is a herb od the mediterranean, used trasditionnaly for the balance of women’s cycle.According to EMA (European Medicine Association) it is traditionnaly used for the relief of PMS symptoms. It is also mentioned as a monoggrphy of  German Comission E for the treatment of irregul;ar menstrual cycle, PMS and tender breasts. (7,8,14)


The results are due to the action of the plant extract on the pituitary gland.. Even though  agnus castus does not contain hormones, it stimulates the natural production of the hormones responsible for the wonens cycle. (12)


Hypothalamus and the pituitary, secreet FSH και LH hormones which in their turn stimulate the ovaries to secrete progesterone and oestrogens. (9)

There are a lot of recherches conducted on Agnus castus. The results demonstrate that the use of agnus castus improved the symptoms more than 50% of the control groups. (11,13)

It proved to be more effective from placebo, pyridoxine (B6) and magnesium. (1,2,3,4,15,16,17,18,19,20)

Due to possible dopaminergic and estrogenic action of Agnus Castus, patients using contraseptives, estrogens or contraestrogens, or dopaminergic medications, should consult their doctors since it is possible to alter their action.

Agnus Castus security has proven to be exellent with mild and generally scarce contraindications. (9,14)
St Johns Wort

 St Johns Wort extract has calming and soothing properties. It bounds free radicals and shows antioxidant action which also contributes in treating the PMS symptoms. (1)

 It is an effective remedy for depression –used traditionally, (21,24,25) according to ΕΜΑ (European Medicine Association) – therefore has a positive effect on the mental and psychological symptoms of PMS. (6)

Scientific research proves the positive action of St. John's Wort on PMS, on both physical and mental symptoms (1,3,22,23)

Published study demonstrates the positive effect of the combination of Agnus castus and St Johns Wort on PMS symptoms treatment (10)

Viburnum acts as anticonvulsant, tranquilizer and styptic. It has a mild analgesic action.

Powerfull uterus relaxant, reduces blood pressure, relaxes tensed muscles, suppresses  the nervous system and is especially usfull in situation when natural and psychological tensions occur as is the situation with PMS (26,27)
Vitamine Β6

Vitamine Β6 contributes in the regulation of hormonal activity.

Β6 takes part in the transformation of essential fatty acids to prostagladines, which help regulate the hormonal balance.

It also contributes to the stabilization of liquid levels in the body through its involvement in potassium/sodium balance,

Theoretically, low levels of vitamine B6 may lead in high levels of prolactine, which in turn is incriminated for PMS symptoms. (2,3,5,28,29)

60 tabs.


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