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Meda EndWarts Wart removing solution (Pen) 3ml - can be used for the treatment of warts and verrucas

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Meda EndWarts Wart removing solution (Pen) 3ml - can be used for the treatment of warts and verrucas

Warts are small rough growths on the skin caused by a virus (HPV, human papilloma virus). Warts are contagious and easily spread to other people and to other parts of your body. You may be infected both through direct contact and from places like public changing rooms and swimming pools. It is common that warts are passed between family members. Warts may be tender and also embarrassing.

EndWarts is a wart-removing solution which can be used for the treatment of warts and verrucas. It can be used in treatment for both adults and children.

EndWarts is an effective topical solution for self removal of warts on hands, feet and the body. The solution is absorbed directly into the wart and leaves no trace on the skin. EndWarts contains Formic Acid, which dries out the wart from the inside. The body then gently rejects the wart.

Applying EndWarts doesn't hurt and the solution may be used on thin skin. This makes EndWarts also suitable for diabetics or if you have many warts. EndWarts may also be used on young children.

EndWarts is corrosive with an irritating and strong smell. It should  not be consumed or inhaled. Keep out of sight and reach of children.

Do not cover the treated wart (for eg. with a plaster). Only use EndWarts product on skin affected by warts or verrucas. Avoid contact with product on healthy skin.

Diabetics should only use EndWarts on warts on healthy skin (undamaged and unaffected by diabetic disease) and with extra care. In the event of problems, always consult your doctor/nurse or foot care specialist.

How to use : 

1.Dip the cotton bud in EndWarts, press carefully against the edge of the bottle. The cotton bud should be just damp.

2. Press lightly with the cotton bud against the wart/verruca 2-3 times. Be careful not to touch the surrounding skin.

3. Treat regularly once a week until the wart/verruca has gone, otherwise the process stops. After 4-5 treatments you may, if everything looks good, treat every fifth day. This is particularly common in old and/or large warts/verrucas on adults. Do not exceed the dose.

4. When treating warts on thin skin, less solution may sometimes be sufficient. Treat less frequently, such as every second or third week.

5. When treating several warts/verrucas (more than five), start by treating a few to see how they react. If everything looks good after a couple of weeks' treatment, continue with the remaining warts. Several small warts/verrucas can be treated at the same time without dipping the cotton bud in EndWarts again (one dip is enough for 3-5 warts/verrucas, sometimes more - depending on their size). Start with the largest warts. Sometimes new warts that are present beneath the skin can emerge.

6. After a few treatments black spots are usually seen in the wart/verruca. Those are tiny blood capillaries that grow into the core of the wart to supply it with blood. This is a sign that the wart/verruca is about to disappear and treatment should be continued until the black spots  and the wart/verruca have entirely disappeared. Sometimes the black spots can bleed a little if you have scratched the wart. Wait a few minutes before applying EndWarts until the bleeding stops, otherwise it can sting a bit. If it stings, apply cold water to soothe the pain. The wart/verruca may also turn white and grow outwards initially, before it starts to dry out. When the wart/verruca expands, the surrounding skin may become tender.

7. Keep the wart/verruca soft between treatments by using normal skin lotion or oil. The wart remnants can then come out more easily. If the wart/verruca feels tender, or if it throbs (applies primarily to verrucas), this can be because you have applied too much solution and/or the wart/verruca cannot emerge through the overlying skin. If the skin is covering the wart/verruca, then an opening needs to be made in the skin to release the wart. For cuticle warts you may have to punch a tiny hole in the outermost skin to enable the solution to reach through to the wart. If you have an old or hard wart/verruca, moisten it up by soaking the affected area in warm water for 20-30 minutes before treatment. Remove the skin on top of the verruca/wart, by using tweezers, for example. For thick skin on inward-growing warts/verrucas, remove the hard skin carefully.

30 applications.


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